Why Journaling is the Cheapest Therapy Available

Shannon Edwards
4 min readNov 4, 2020

Stop thinking about journaling as a chore and include it in your self-care routine.

Photo by Thom Holmes on Unsplash

Buy a journal and become a better person. Seriously, expressing yourself in written form for 20 minutes a day can make a difference.

I purchased my first journal after I found out I hadn’t met my curriculum requirements to graduate from university on time. In turn, this meant that I would’ve to try to defer my application for my master’s.

As it turns out, this situation wasn’t the end of the world. Something at the time, you couldn’t have told me.

For me, my education helped position my self-worth. I was good at school. I had no problem sitting down for a few hours to study for a test and ace that test. Whatever self-doubt I had about my personal worth was replaced by validation every time I would get a good mark back.

As it turns out, I had switched one of my fourth-year classes last minute because one of my professors required that I took three of their classes before they would write me a reference letter. Ironically, gaining the reference letter that would secure my spot in the master’s program would mean I’d end up deferring for a year.

When I switched classes halfway through the year I removed myself from a mandatory seminar class and into a…



Shannon Edwards

Content creator, amateur chef and reality T.V. fanatic. Check out my Real Housewives website https://www.realityrundown.com/.